Book-lovers are the kind of people who daydream about the library of their dreams. Isla got the chance to help MIS create a dream library from the ground up. Her “whole world has been books” from a very young age. She loves reading and just being around books so much that she approached the Middle & Senior School librarians to find out how she could get more involved in the library. This led to her developing much experience and expertise in book maintenance and library systems.
Back then, the Middle and Senior School library was squished into an annex – a stoplight red container that was parked in front of the Senior School and converted into a library and library classroom. The cramped space was not functional for research, reading, or as a self-study area. Plans were in the works for a far-grander space, but what would it look like?
As a dedicated library volunteer, Isla was selected to join the focus group, comprised of students, teachers, and leadership responsible for envisioning the space that would become the Learning NeXus. MIS’s old gymnasium was to be repurposed and converted into the NeXus, a more sustainable approach to modernizing than a full demolition. Therefore, the NeXus focus group already had an existing structure to work with, but endless possibilities as to how the space could be remodeled.
With the goal of researching how design affects the human experience, the NeXus focus group flew off to Scotland to visit some of the most innovative learning spaces in the UK. Isla’s key takeaway was that “designing beautiful spaces like the NeXus takes time and is challenging. I learnt the value of the balance between a large, open, bright space and the smaller, quieter spaces some people prefer for studying. I also learnt that it’s important to bring a variety of voices into a project like this in order to be able to successfully meet the needs of a school as diverse as MIS.”
Upon returning to MIS, Isla continued to be a voice in the planning and design of the Learning NeXus. She was a volunteer in the launch day experience for the Learning NeXus, and she still volunteers in the library nearly every day during her break. The results according to Isla are “I love it! It’s such a relaxing space. Every time I step through the door, my whole body relaxes. The first thing you see when you walk in is the huge indoor tree. I’m so grateful to the donor for this generous gift. It’s one of many things that makes this a really wonderful library.”
For Isla, the NeXus library space is a moment of zen in a busy academic world that keeps her mind racing all day. When she is in the library, time slows down and she gets to focus her attention on the peace and gratification that comes from tasks such as shelfing and hand-applying laminated plastic covers to books.
Isla’s involvement in school life isn’t contained to volunteering at the library. She is an active member of the Eco-Committee and one of the lead organizers of last year’s Solutionary Summit, a change-maker event that welcomed over 100 students from 14 different schools to MIS for a three-day eco-conference. Through her experimental research on soil quality, Isla recently won the MIS Foundation’s Science Inspiration Grant for 7,000 Euro which will fund multiple students’ train trips to this year’s Solutionary Summit, hosted by Budapest International School. She is also in competitive Math Club and she plays advanced flute.
So, maybe her whole world doesn’t revolve around books, but Isla is a multifaceted learner who has a keen awareness of how space affects students and their ability to learn, collaborate, and innovate. Isla’s voice helped to bring The Learning NeXus to life so that MIS students could feel comfortable, empowered, and inspired to do great work. If you get stuck and need some support in your research, come down to the library’s circulation desk during Senior School break. Isla will be there to help you out.