Meeet Nina Samus-Binnington on Instagram and on the Web.
Business name: Nina Samus-Binnington, Ni_Bi_Sa
Bio: I work mostly with flat glass and gold leaf, applying a number of rare traditional techniques that are called "Hinterglasmalerei", " Verre Eglomise", reverse painting and gilding on glass. One finds various examples of it all over Europe and wider world and especially here in Bavaria with a strong folk tradition of making "glass pictures". It was partly rediscovered in the beginning of the 20th century by some of the Blau Reiter artists and other artists accross Europe.
I discovered this type of artistic expression almost 30 years ago and since then have been fascinated with it and tried to learn more about it. It is quite challenging to be limited by the medium of glass and all the more exciting to find interesting modern solutions and usages for it. I've held masterclasss for grown-ups and children. It is great to see the craft of creating "backwards" pictures with the whole process being in reverse appreciated a lot more, after people have tried it themselves.
Workshop title: The art of backwards looking-glass
Workshop description: In my workshops I can tell the story of this art with pictures from historical examples to my own works and refrences to museums in our area where one finds more examples of it. I can demonstrate the stages of this process, which is multilayered and painstaking with everything done on the back of the glass and in reverse.