Dear MIS families,
Thank you for a wonderful start to the school year! Wednesday was my 12th first day of school at MIS, and I honestly think it was the best one yet. I was so pleased to see so many students excited about the new school year. Our hope and our intention is to make MIS a place where students feel a strong sense of belonging and where they will learn, grow, and thrive as part of an international community. Wednesday felt like a strong start toward this goal.
MIS Values in Action
At all levels of the school we have initiated conversations about our values. We strongly believe in "connection before content", and we have focused considerable energy in these first days on creating the context for effective learning. In age-appropriate ways, we are reflecting with our students on the values and behaviors that will support safety, happiness, and success for everyone in our school. We can tell that many families have already conducted these conversations at home -- it shows, and we are grateful for your support!
If you haven't yet signed your copy of the MIS Values in Action, please see the e-mail from me dated 16 August 2024 with the subject line "Response Required: MIS' Code of Conduct".
Events for Parents!
We have a number of opportunities in the coming days to welcome you to our campus and to various community gatherings:
Welcome Back Barbecue: Sunday, 25 August, 1.00pm-4.00pm. We will have food, drinks, and an opportunity to enjoy our campus and see the new Learning Nexus. We hope that you will join us!
Back-To-School-Nights (BTSNs): Each school section will host a back-to-school-night that features an opportunity to meet your children's teachers and learn about our school's programmes.Junior School BTSN is on Wednesday, 4 September. Middle School BTSN is on Thursday, 5 September. Senior School BTSN is on Thursday, 12 September. More information will be sent home from each school section.
MIS Oktoberfest Luncheon: Monday, 23 September, 12.00pm-5.00pm at the Hochreiter's "Zur Bratwurst" gastronomy on the Theresienweise. Here's the link to register: https://www.mis-munich.de/oktoberfest-2024
Academic Results from Spring 2024
In July and August academic results from the IB were published for the Grade 12 IB Diploma examinations and from the IB MYP eAssessments. MIS was delighted with the excellent results of our students:
IB Diploma Results 2024:
MIS pass rate = 98% / Global pass rate = 80.1%
MIS average IB Diploma score = 35.3 / Global average IB Diploma score = 30.1MIS average is 5.2 points higher than the global average
IB MYP eAssessment Results 2024:
MIS pass rate = 97% (There is no published global pass rate for the MYP Certificate)
MIS average IB MYP Certificate score = 43.0 (out of 56) / Global average IB MYP Certificate score = 37.5 (out of 56)MIS average is 5.5 points higher than the global average
Congratulations to all students who participated in the IB Diploma and IB MYP Certificate examinations in May 2024! And thank you to all teachers who supported the students' learning and success. We are proud of you all!
It has been a pleasure and a privilege to see our students forming friendships and creating community over these first few days of school. I am looking forward to a joyful, productive, and inspiring year ahead!
With warm regards,
Tim Thomas