School Improvement Groups

School Improvement Groups Progress Report

Written by MIS Communications | Mar 19, 2024 2:33:28 PM

During our Early Release days this year, teachers have been collaborating to enhance the learning experience for students at MIS.  All MIS teachers participate in one School Improvement Groups (SIG) each year. SIGs drive progress in areas concerning curriculum, assessment practices, student experience, and educational outcomes. The SIGs are an opportunity for teachers to drive positive change at MIS.  Each group utilises the Inquiry and Design process to identify a point of inquiry, establish success criteria, and ask big questions such as 'how will this learning be shared and embedded in sustainable ways?'. Over the course of the school year, the group will conduct research & data collection, or prototype a solution, and then present outcomes.  Here is a brief overview of our progress:

Language Learning Review

This community SIG (teachers + parents + students) have been investigating the following question: What type of language learning programmes will lead to the best real-life, immersion-based learning environment for students? This team is researching a variety of methods for effective language instruction and will make proposals for those that might be integrated well into the language learning programme at MIS. 

Adapting MIS to the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Teachers are trialing various AI tools to enhance teaching and learning. AI is proving to be supportive by increasing feedback to students, personalizing learning experiences, and lifting analytical thinking skills. Teachers are in the process of developing an AI usage policy that integrates with our Academic Integrity policy.

Computational & Structured Thinking

Computational thinking is an approach to problem-solving that includes Decomposition, Pattern Recognition, Abstraction, and Algorithms. Teachers in this group are trialing this process across disciplines and grade levels in order to build problem-solving capacity.

Curriculum Documentation & Implementation in Toddle

Teachers are collaborating to transfer and design curriculum within a new platform called Toddle. Over the course of next year, students and teachers will be shifting to using Toddle as our main platform for teaching and learning. This will provide parents will a more in-depth view of our curriculum and student learning across the school.

Developing Authentic, Real-World Assessments

Teachers are experimenting with new forms of assessments, including problem, performance, project, and scenario-based assessments. Through these new forms of assessments, students can demonstrate their learning in more authentic ways that honor their uniqueness as learners.

Educating Changemakers

Teachers are engaged in a course through the Institute for Humane Education. As an outcome of this course, teachers are designing projects focused on Solutionary Learning for Sustainability. MIS will be hosting a student-run Solutionary Summit on May 23-25, 2024 with the focus of building responsible, global-minded individuals who create long-lasting, collaborative change.

Digital Citizenship at MIS

Students today are digital natives who benefit from learning experiences that reflect their realities. Teachers on this team are developing a coherent progression of digital citizenship learning experiences that encompasses digital identity, safety, emotional intelligence, rights, literacy, and communication.

Refining Teacher Growth & Evaluation

Teachers have been researching various methods and processes that support teacher growth and evaluation. Information has been gathered through reading, research, interviews, model examples, and guest experts. Teachers will propose a new framework for professional growth and evaluation, which will be implemented in the 2024/2025 school year.

Shaping & Launching the Learning Nexus

This team has been designing both physical and potential usage models for our new Learning Nexus, which will open at the beginning of the 2024/2025 school year. We are excited to launch a shared space dedicated to both individual, concentrated learning and small-group collaborative learning. It will be a hub for research, technology, and innovative learning.

Universal Design for Learning

Inclusive learning environments include opportunities for all learners to access learning through multiple means of engagement, representation, action, and expression. Teachers in this group are researching various methods for designing learning for all students. At this point in the year, teachers are engaged in peer observations to provide and receive feedback on their learning.